Northeast Foliage season is in full swing – The New Hampshire White Mountains region is exploding with color! Every corner of the region is displaying color, so much it is overwhelming. The roads have been bumper to bumper with leaf peepers, and every scenic pull off is jammed packed with vehicles. If you are looking to get away from the crowds, exploring one of the Northeast's backroads may be you best bet.
I can not wait to see what the foliage looks like on a bright sunny day! We have not seen the sun for the last five days, and all shooting has been done in rain, fog and overcast conditions. Though the cloud cover has been a great natural diffuser, it is time for the sun. I would also like to dry off my rain gear at some point.
As I add new images to the image archive, during the remaining foliage season, I will be making them viewable at the included link. You will not be disappointed if visiting the region this week! You can view some of the imagery I have produced during the 2012 autumn foliage season here.
Happy image making…
Now Available: The White Mountains New Hampshire calendar
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Owner of ScenicNH Photography LLC
Erin Paul is a professional photographer, writer, and author who specializes in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the New Hampshire White Mountains. His work is published worldwide, and publication credits include: Appalachian Mountain Club, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Backpacker Magazine, and The Wilderness Society.
2012 New Hampshire Foliage Season –