Tips and Tricks

Book Writing: Swiping Content

Mount Success - 1954 Douglas DC-3 Plane Crash
Book Writing: Swiping Content - In 2010, I did a write-up about the Douglas DC-3 plane crash site on Mount Success in the New Hampshire White Mountains. It has become one of the more popular write-ups I have done. Outdoor enthusiasts are very interested in this plane crash site. Here is a paragraph from that write-up:...[Continue reading] ...

Photos Without a Tripod, No Way!

Three hikers travel north along the Appalachian Trail near Mount Lafayette during the winter months in the White Mountains, New Hampshire USA
Photos Without a Tripod, No Way! - The title of this post is nothing more than sarcastic photography advice to get your attention. Did it work? Okay, now that I have your attention, lets talk photography for a few minutes. There is a misleading belief floating around the internet that a good, and marketable, photograph can only be created when the photographer uses a tripod. This is one belief that should be taken with a grain of salt...[Continue reading] ...

Bothy 2 Emergency Shelter

Bothy 2 Emergency Shelter
Bothy 2 Emergency Shelter - Today I want to introduce you to the Bothy 2 emergency shelter made by Terra Nova Equipment, a company based in Derbyshire, England that specializes in outdoor gear. As the name suggests this a two man lightweight windproof emergency shelter for outdoor enthusiasts. I have found this to be a great product to carry, and use, when in the backcountry of the White Mountains, New Hampshire USA...[Continue reading] ...

Human Element, Landscape Photography

A winter hiker ascends the Airline Trail in extreme weather conditions during the winter months in the White Mountains, New Hampshire USA
Human Element, Landscape Photography - Even though I prefer a landscape free of human clutter, including a human element in the scene allows us to connect emotionally with the scene. And if done correctly, scenes that include a human element will pull the viewer into the landscape ...

Camera Gear, Nature Photography

Carter Dome - White Mountains, New Hampshire
Camera Gear, Nature Photography - Last month, I wrote about some things to consider before pursuing a career as a full or part-time freelance nature photographer. Today, I am going to continue off that post with a list of the basic camera gear needed. Gear purchases can ruin your profit margin so it is important to consider them when forming your business ...

Freelance Nature Photography

Mount Washington, New Hampshire USA
Freelance Nature Photography - I am not big into writing about photography tips and tricks or ranting about the photography industry so this could be the only post I make this year focused on the business of nature photography ...

Winter Camera Protection, White Mountains

Carter Dome, White Mountains - Appalachian Trail
Winter Camera Gear Tip: When photographing in adverse winter conditions, one of my concerns is protecting camera gear from the elements. I find using products that are specifically made to protect the camera in harsh conditions to be beneficial. They do take some time to get use to, but are worth the investment. During harsh weather conditions in the New Hampshire White Mountains, I use Camera Armor, LensSkins, and LensCoat. And for down in the valleys and roadside I like ...

Sense of Scale, White Mountains

A winter hiker ascends the Airline Trail in extreme weather conditions during the winter months in the White Mountains, New Hampshire USA
Sense of Scale, White Mountains - To create a sense of scale in my New Hampshire White Mountains landscape imagery I try to include people or any object that will help viewers in determining the size of the scene. Including any object in a scene a viewer will recognize the size of works, but using people is usually the best option ...

Erosion, Self Funded Photography Projects

River Bank Erosion - White Mountains, New Hampshire USA
Self Funded Photography Projects - As a freelance photographer, stock photography sales still play an important part of everyday business. These sales come from established clients, off the street clients and agencies that represent me. To add fresh imagery to ScenicNH Photography, I do self funded projects. Some of these projects last days, months or even years. One has even become a lifelong body of work ...

Hiring A Professional Photographer

Mount Washington, New Hampshire
Mount Washington - White Mountains, New Hampshire Hiring A Professional Photographer - The digital era has made it possible for anyone with a camera to profit from photography, hence the surge of photographers in the photography industry over the last decade. The number of photographers in the New England area is mind-boggling! And it really is no surprise consumers of photography and photo editors are fed up with the quality of imagery that is floating around today. Many consumers of ...