White Mountains, New Hampshire
Happy Earth Day 2016, White Mountains
April 22, 2016 - Happy Earth Day from the New Hampshire White Mountains! Earth Day is an annual day founded by US Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. Many consider Earth Day to be the birth of the modern environmental movement. The purpose of this day is to celebrate and create awareness for the environment. If you have never heard of Earth Day take some time to read up on....[Continue reading] ...
Cannon Mountain, Franconia Notch
Cannon Mountain, Franconia Notch State Park - Located just south of Bald Mountain in Franconia, New Hampshire, which I wrote about last week, is the centerpiece of Franconia Notch State Park, the state-owned Cannon Mountain ski area. Franconia Notch State Park would be much different today if Cannon Mountain wasn't included in a land purchase back in the 1920s.....[Continue reading] ...
Bald Mountain, Franconia Notch
Bald Mountain, Franconia Notch State Park - Located a short distance from Echo Lake, which I wrote about last week, in Franconia, New Hampshire is another great location where photographers will have no problem creating images. Even though some hiking has to be done to reach the summit of Bald Mountain the views of Franconia Notch are worth the short hike.....[Continue reading] ...
Echo Lake, Franconia Notch
Echo Lake, Franconia Notch State Park - Many photographers who visit the White Mountains of New Hampshire are interested in roadside attractions that can be easily reached. So today I am going to share a great location, Echo Lake, in the northen section of Franconia Notch State Park....[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of March, New Hampshire
Scenes of March, New Hampshire - The weather here in the New Hampshire White Mountains during the month of March has been very interesting. The lower elevations have been snow-free for most of the month, and the higher elevations can be best described as an icy mess. And because of the mild winter and warm weather, bears are coming out of their dens early....[Continue reading] ...
Five Historic Sites To Visit, White Mountains
Five Historic Sites, White Mountains - Many historic sites in the New Hampshire White Mountains are well known among locals and tourists while others remain forgotten deep in the forest and probably will never be rediscovered. The known sites can help create awareness for historic preservation....[Continue reading] ...
New Hampshire Image Collection
New Hampshire Image Collection - For the last few days, I have been updating the image collections and galleries on the website with new stock photography images. I find updating the galleries with new imagery to be very time-consuming, but also enjoyable because I am able to review the imagery I have created over the years. Images that I created five plus years ago, I am just now making public....[Continue reading] ...
Human Impact, White Mountains
Human Impact, White Mountains - This photography work focuses on the many ways humans impact the environement. Every day beautiful landscape photos of the New Hampshire White Mountains are posted on social media, and this creates a false belief that the White Mountain National Forest is in a state of pristine condition that will never change. And this is far from the truth – every day a little more damage is done to the White Mountains environment. In order to ...
Scenes of February, New Hampshire
Scenes of February, New Hampshire - Much like last month, the weather here in the New Hampshire White Mountains during the month of February has been a mixed bag. We still have not had any major snow storms, the trails are very icy, and the temperatures have been on the warm side. At the beginning of the month...[Continue reading] ...
Black and White, White Mountains
Black and White, White Mountains - During my film days, I shot roll after roll of AGFA Scala, but now in the digital era all my black and white images start off in color and with the use of various image editing programs I covert them to black and white. Admittedly, I don’t work much with black and white anymore, but I have always enjoyed viewing black and white scenes of the White Mountains....[Continue reading] ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.