Posts Tagged: abandoned

Swift River Railroad

Boulder Loop Trail - Mount Chocorua, New Hampshire
Swift River Railroad, New Hampshire - The Swift River Railroad was a logging railroad in the Swift River Valley of the New Hampshire White Mountains. It was operated by the Conway Company and was in operation from 1906-1916. The railroad began in Conway, at the Conway Company’s sawmill, and traveled up the Swift River Valley following the Swift River and much of today’s Kancamagus Scenic Byway....[Continue reading] ...

Village of Livermore, New Hampshire

Village of Livermore, New Hampshire
Village of Livermore, New Hampshire - The abandoned logging village of Livermore is in the New Hampshire White Mountains. Incorporated by the state of New Hampshire in 1876, Livermore was a logging town in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The village was located along the Sawyer River Railroad, on the Sawyer River, in the White Mountains. Both the railroad and town were owned by the Saunders family. At its peak, the population of Livermore was around 150-200 people, ...

East Branch & Lincoln, Forgotten Trestles

Abutments from Trestle 7 of the East Branch & Lincoln Logging Railroad are used to support the foot bridge along the Lincoln Woods Trail in New Hampshire.
East Branch & Lincoln, Forgotten Trestles - In October of 2015, I wrote about the forgotten spur lines along the East Branch & Lincoln (EB&L) Railroad in New Hampshire, and today I am going to continue with this theme and focus on the timber trestles of the railroad. The EB&L Railroad was built by J.E. Henry, and was in operation from 1893-1948 with much of the railroad being in the area we...[Continue reading] ...

East Branch & Lincoln, Abandoned Spur Lines

Owl's Head - Pemigewasset Wilderness, New Hampshire
East Branch & Lincoln, Abandoned Spur Lines - The East Branch & Lincoln Logging Railroad (1893-1948) in the New Hampshire White Mountains has been fairly well documented. And with the current documentation we can get a good idea of the layout of the railroad, first hand accounts from loggers who worked the woods, and though based on educated guesses, we can also decipher the locations of the abandoned logging camp....[Continue reading] ...

Sandwich Notch Hill Farming Community

The John Hart Home Site - Sandwich Notch Road, New Hampshire
Sandwich Notch Hill Farming Community – The abandoned Sandwich Notch hill farming settlement is in the New Hampshire White Mountains. During the early nineteenth century, thirty to forty families lived in Sandwich Notch. A few Notch farms did strive, but the rocky terrain of Sandwich Notch was poor for farming, and it is no surprise that by 1860 only eight families remained in the Notch. Many families in the area left their farms and headed West to where farming was ...

Abandoned Redstone Granite Quarry

Redstone Granite Quarry - Conway, New Hampshire USA
Redstone Granite Quarry, New Hampshire - The Redstone Granite Quarry is an abandoned granite quarry on the side of Rattlesnake Mountain in Redstone, New Hampshire (part of the town of Conway). The quarry opened in the late eighteen hundreds, closed in the nineteen forties and at one time employed over three hundred men. The history of the quarry has....[Continue reading] ...

Historic Logging Camps, White Mountains

East Branch & Lincoln Railroad
Historic Logging Camps, White Mountains - Most of this summer season I have been documenting history and culture subjects in the New Hampshire White Mountains. The last few blog articles have been historical in nature so today I am going to continue with this theme and introduce you to the late nineteenth and twentieth century camps of White Mountains logging era.....[Continue reading] ...

White Mountains History & Culture

Mt. Cilley Settlement ( Peeling ) - Woodstock, New Hampshire USA
White Mountains History & Culture - For the past couple of weeks, I have been photographing nineteenth century sites linked to the history and culture of the White Mountains. When photographing these abandoned sites, I am reminded that conservation is not just about protecting a parcel of land for guaranteed future recreation. Conservation is also about.....[Continue reading] ...

Middle Sister Groundhouse, Albany

Middle Sister Fire Tower - Albany, New Hampshire
Middle Sister Groundhouse, New Hampshire - The Middle Sister Groundhouse (fire tower) is located on Middle Sister Mountain, along Middle Sister Trail, near Mount Chocorua in Albany, New Hampshire. It was in operation from 1927-1948, and according to the Forest Fire Lookout Association it remained in service until 1948. Today, a Forest Service....[Continue reading] ...

Harp Switch Stand, New Hampshire

Beebe River Railroad - Harp Switch Stand along the old Beebe River Railroad in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire USA. This was an logging railroad, which operated from 1917 - 1942.
Harp Switch Stand, New Hampshire – Popular during the early days of railroading, the harp style switch stand was a manually operated railroad switch, which allowed trains to transfer to another section of track. This was accomplished by a railroad worker pushing or throwing the long bar. The included images are part of my environmental image collection that is focused on abandoned railroads in the White Mountains.....[Continue reading] ...