Posts Tagged: april photos
Scenes of April, New Hampshire

Five images from the month of April - What a month it has been weather wise here in the New Hampshire White Mountains. Ice, snow, rain, and warm weather. You name it we have had it this month. With April coming to an end, it won’t be long until the grass is green, but the trails are still an icy mess at higher elevations. Crampons have been the chosen foot traction this month.....[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of April, White Mountains

Five images from the month of April - Here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the weather we have had during the month of April has been your typical, unsettled crazy New England weather. The last few days, the daytime temperatures have been more of what we would expect in late October and November, and it has been snowing on and off. I still have not put the snowshoes away yet for....[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of April, New Hampshire

Cascade - Kancamagus Highway, New Hampshire Scenes of April, New Hampshire- Most of New England is snow free, but here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire we still have plenty of snow. Mount Washington recently got six inches of snow. And off trail travel in some areas of the White Mountains still requires snowshoes. The snow is melting fast though. I love the month of April for two reasons. The first reason is brooks and rivers are usually roaring, ...
April, White Mountains

East Branch of the Pemigewasset River - Lincoln, New Hampshire April, White Mountains - I find April to be one of the more challenging months to produce imagery. The landscape is usually covered in "dirty snow", making it tough to produce clean looking imagery. Nothing drives me crazier than a beautiful mountain scene with dirty snow in the foreground! Yes, I'm complaining some but know many photographers can relate to this issue ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.