Posts Tagged: august photos
Scenes of August, New Hampshire

Five images from the month of August - I can’t believe the month of August is just about over. And I realize that I am starting to repeat myself here but the time just flies by now. The White Mountains have been crazy this month. Parking at trailheads has been overflowing midweek, swimming holes packed, and moving around downtown Lincoln has been a slow process. But it is great....[Continue reading] ...
August – New Hampshire White Mountains

Five images from the month of August - This year August has been hot, hazy, and humid. We are currently still dealing with humid days here in the New Hampshire White Mountains, but forecasts are predicting some relief towards the end of the week. At this point, I am looking forward to the cool nights, and hopefully cool days, of October......[Continue reading] ...
August – White Mountains of New Hampshire

Five images from the month of August - Most years August is very hot and humid, but this year the weather in the White Mountains of New Hampshire has been perfect! Based on the weather you would think we are in the month of October. The cool nights have been great for sleeping and early morning hiking, and the daytime temperatures have been tolerable.[Continue reading] ...
August – White Mountains, New Hampshire

Franconia Notch - White Mountains, New Hampshire Five images from the month of August - I have spent most of this month working the business side of photography, but did manage ten days in the field. I will not bore you with the business side details. I lucked out this month and scheduled all my shooting on perfect days. Most months I shoot in poor light conditions, so August has been a real treat ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.