Posts Tagged: earth day

2013 Happy Earth Day New England!

Middle Sugarloaf Mountain - Bethlehem, NH USA
Middle Sugarloaf Mountain - Bethlehem, New Hampshire April 22, 2013 - Happy Earth Day from the White Mountains of New Hampshire USA! Earth Day is an annual day founded by US Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. Many consider Earth Day to be the birth of the modern environmental movement. The purpose of this day is to celebrate and create awareness for the environment. If this is your first time hearing about it, you can read up on the history and ...

2012 Happy Earth Day

Davis Path - White Mountains, NH
Softwood Forest - White Mountains, New Hampshire April 22, 2012 - Happy Earth Day! This is a day to celebrate and create awareness for the environment. Environmental protection is essential for the future well being of the earth. You can read about the history and importance of Earth Day here, if this is your first time hearing about it ...

2011 Happy Earth Day!

Bull Thistle Stock Photo
Mount Osceola - White Mountains, New Hampshire April 22, 2011 - Happy Earth Day! This is a day to celebrate and create awareness for the environment. Earth day was first held on April 22, 1970 by Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. senator from Wisconsin who had a great desire to create environmental awareness. Tell your friends about earth day! ...

2010 Happy Earth Day

Acadia National Park located on Mount Desert Island, Maine USA which is part of scenic New England. Otter Cliff is off in the distance.
Indian Poke -Veratrum veride- April 22, 2010 - Earth Day Celebrates 40 years!! Earth day was created forty years ago (April 22, 1970) by Gaylord Nelson. This is a day to celebrate and create awareness for the environment ...