Posts Tagged: franconia notch state park

Mittersill Terrain Improvement Project

Mittersill Mountain - Franconia, New Hampshire
Mittersill Terrain Improvement Project - Over the last few years, Cannon Mountain and the Franconia Ski Club have been working on an improvement project to better the ski terrain on Mittersill Terrain. The focus of the project is to create a world-class training and racing slope on Baron’s Run. Based on the little I know abut the project, it seems like it will benefit the ski area....[Continue reading] ...

Georgiana Falls, New Hampshire

Upper Georgiana Falls - Lincoln, New Hampshire
Georgiana Falls, Lincoln - Georgiana Falls is a series of breathtaking cascades on Harvard Brook in Lincoln, New Hampshire. These falls consist of two sections, the Lower and Upper Georgiana Falls. There has been confusion on what the proper name of these falls is since the day they were discovered....[Continue reading] ...

Cannon Mountain, Franconia Notch

Cannon Mountain - Franconia Notch State Park, New Hampshire USA
Cannon Mountain, Franconia Notch State Park - Located just south of Bald Mountain in Franconia, New Hampshire, which I wrote about last week, is the centerpiece of Franconia Notch State Park, the state-owned Cannon Mountain ski area. Franconia Notch State Park would be much different today if Cannon Mountain wasn't included in a land purchase back in the 1920s.....[Continue reading] ...

Bald Mountain, Franconia Notch

Travel & Tourism - Franconia Notch State Park
Bald Mountain, Franconia Notch State Park - Located a short distance from Echo Lake, which I wrote about last week, in Franconia, New Hampshire is another great location where photographers will have no problem creating images. Even though some hiking has to be done to reach the summit of Bald Mountain the views of Franconia Notch are worth the short hike.....[Continue reading] ...

Echo Lake, Franconia Notch

Echo Lake - Franconia Notch State Park, New Hampshire USA
Echo Lake, Franconia Notch State Park - Many photographers who visit the White Mountains of New Hampshire are interested in roadside attractions that can be easily reached. So today I am going to share a great location, Echo Lake, in the northen section of Franconia Notch State Park....[Continue reading] ...

Greenleaf Trail, Mount Lafayette

Greenleaf Hut - White Mountains, New Hampshire
Greenleaf Trail, Mount Lafayette - Greenleaf Trail is located in Franconia Notch in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The Greenleaf Trail is named for Colonel Charles Henry Greenleaf, once owner of the Profile House in Franconia Notch. The Greenleaf Hut, along Greenleaf Trail, is named in his honor so there appears to be a connection.....[Continue reading] ...

Dry Brook Waterfalls, Franconia Notch

Franconia Notch State Park - Stair Falls in the White Mountains, New Hampshire USA. This waterfall is located along the Falling Waters Trail
Dry Brook Waterfalls, Franconia Notch - With spring officially here, many are making plans to photograph waterfalls in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Today, I want to introduce to a few waterfalls in Franconia Notch that may interest you. Some may not recognize the name “Dry Brook”, but once you view the included images you realize that two of the more well known waterfalls......[Continue reading] ...

Walker Cascades, Franconia Notch

Walker Cascades - Franconia Notch State Park, New Hampshire
Walker Cascades, Franconia Notch - Walker Cascades are a series of cascades located on Walker Brook, just off the Old Bridle Path, in Franconia Notch in the New Hampshire White Mountains. I have read a few history books that reference these cascades as being "Walker's Falls", but their description seems more to be ......[Continue reading] ...

Old Man of the Mountain, Franconia Notch

Old Man of the Mountain - Franconia Notch State Park
Old Man of the Mountain, Franconia Notch - On May 3, 2003, New Hampshire's Old Man of the Mountain, also known as "The Great Stone Face" and "The Profile" collapsed. The above image, taken around 2001, is one of only a few images I have left of the Old Man of the Mountain. This old grainy 35MM slide represents the Old Man I knew over the years. Long live the Old Man....[Continue reading] ...

Favorite 10 Images of 2012

Franconia Notch State Park - Pemi Trail
Mount Chocorua Scenic Area - Albany, New Hampshire Favorite 10 images of 2012 - Another year is gone! Where does the time go? It has been an interesting year here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The weather patterns have been crazy and as I reflect on the year that is what stands out most. I spent many days shooting in the rain and in bad weather this year, but overall it has been a very successful and enjoyable ...