Posts Tagged: hiking
New Hampshire Fire Tower Quest

New Hampshire Fire Tower Quest - The New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands has a hiking program involving the fifteen fire lookout towers that they operate in New Hampshire. Once a hiker visits any five of the fire towers on the list, they can receive a patch, certificate, and a letter of recognition from the NH Division of Forests and Lands...[Continue reading] ...
East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, Utility Poles

East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, Utility Poles - Telephone wires were strung from utility poles along the East Branch & Lincoln Railroad to the numerous logging camps. In some areas along the railroad, side mounted wooden telephone peg holder pins nailed directly to trees were used in place of utility poles. Today, these utility poles are considered artifacts of the logging era....[Continue reading] ...
East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, Trestle 17

East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, Trestle 17 - Built in the early 1900s, probably 1906-1908 (one reference states 1908) trestle 17 was located along the Upper East Branch of the East Branch & Lincoln Railroad. It spanned the East Branch of the Pemigewasset River near the site of logging Camp 17. Camp 17 was located on the south side of the trestle. This trestle is within today’s Pemigewasset Wilderness...[Continue reading] ...
East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, Trestle 7

East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, Trestle 7 - During the days of the East Branch & Lincoln (EB&L) Railroad, there were two trestles built at this crossing of Franconia Brook (above). And each trestle serviced different areas of today’s Pemigewasset Wilderness. The first trestle built serviced the Franconia Brook and Lincoln Brook Valleys. And the second trestle, built just below...[Continue reading] ...
Interesting Finds, White Mountains

Interesting Finds, White Mountains - My documentary work of historic sites takes me to many areas of the White Mountain National Forest. And I have to admit I have come across many things that I just can’t explain. And today I want to share a few of these interesting finds with you.....[Continue reading] ...
Mountain Landscapes, Presidential Range

Mountain Landscapes, Presidential Range - Today, I am going to share with you landscape scenes from along the Appalachian Trail (AT) corridor in the Presidential Range of the New Hampshire White Mountains. I think its safe to say there is no other place in New England like the Presidential Range.....[Continue reading] ...
Greenleaf Trail, Mount Lafayette

Greenleaf Trail, Mount Lafayette - Greenleaf Trail is located in Franconia Notch in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The Greenleaf Trail is named for Colonel Charles Henry Greenleaf, once owner of the Profile House in Franconia Notch. The Greenleaf Hut, along Greenleaf Trail, is named in his honor so there appears to be a connection.....[Continue reading] ...
Standing Up For The White Mountains

Each year, I document a few environmental issues in the White Mountains, and to start the New Year I am going to publicly share the four issues I will be documenting in 2015. The rest of my time will be focused on the scenic side of the White Mountains and New England region...[Continue reading] ...
Winter Camera Protection, White Mountains

Winter Camera Gear Tip: When photographing in adverse winter conditions, one of my concerns is protecting camera gear from the elements. I find using products that are specifically made to protect the camera in harsh conditions to be beneficial. They do take some time to get use to, but are worth the investment. During harsh weather conditions in the New Hampshire White Mountains, I use Camera Armor, LensSkins, and LensCoat. And for down in the valleys and roadside I like ...
Sense of Scale, White Mountains

Sense of Scale, White Mountains - To create a sense of scale in my New Hampshire White Mountains landscape imagery I try to include people or any object that will help viewers in determining the size of the scene. Including any object in a scene a viewer will recognize the size of works, but using people is usually the best option ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.