Posts Tagged: june photos
Scenes of June, New Hampshire

Five images from the month of June - Last month, I mentioned that many locals believe the 2016 summer season here in the White Mountains is going to be an extremely busy one. I have already seen an increase in tourism (biking, fishing, hiking, swimming, etc.) in my travels of the White Mountains region during the month of June. After a dismal ski season, this will be a great boost for the local economy....[Continue reading] ...
June, White Mountains

Five images from the month of June - Here in the New Hampshire White Mountains the weather during June has been excellent. We have had a few hot days, but you will not hear me complaining about them. This month has been very busy, and because my schedule is full for the rest of June, I am posting my monthly blog article early...[Continue reading] ...
June, New Hampshire White Mountains

The Nubble (Haystack Mountain) - Bethlehem, New Hampshire June, New Hampshire White Mountains - How do I know it is June in the White Mountains of New Hampshire? The bugs are out in full force, and man are they bad this year! I have many images from this month that have bug blur. Bug blur has the tendency to ruin images! I won't bore you with bug stories. During the month of June a number of exciting events happen in ...
Scenes of June, White Mountains

Mount Deception - Carroll, New Hampshire Scenes of June, White Mountains - The month of June in the White Mountains has been interesting. I am not sure where to start, the rain or the overcast days. We are currently stuck in a dreary weather pattern that is making many question if the summer season is going to be washout. I hope not, but realize anything is possible when it comes to mother nature. Even with the poor weather I did ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.