Posts Tagged: natural process

Mount Hancock Landslide, 2011

Landslide Hancock Mountain Range - White Mountains, NH
Mount Hancock Landslide, 2011 - The landslide above, seen from along the East Branch of the Pemigewasset River in August 2011, is on the side of the Hancock Mountain Range in the Pemigewasset Wilderness, New Hampshire. This was an old landslide that was in the process of being natural regenerated. And sometime between August 27-29, 2011, during Tropical Storm Irene, heavy rains caused it to slide again. The new landslide path looks to follow the track of the old one....[Continue ...

Erosion, Self Funded Photography Projects

River Bank Erosion - White Mountains, New Hampshire USA
Self Funded Photography Projects - As a freelance photographer, stock photography sales still play an important part of everyday business. These sales come from established clients, off the street clients and agencies that represent me. To add fresh imagery to ScenicNH Photography, I do self funded projects. Some of these projects last days, months or even years. One has even become a lifelong body of work ...