Posts Tagged: new hampshire

Mittersill Terrain Improvement Project

Mittersill Mountain - Franconia, New Hampshire
Mittersill Terrain Improvement Project - Over the last few years, Cannon Mountain and the Franconia Ski Club have been working on an improvement project to better the ski terrain on Mittersill Terrain. The focus of the project is to create a world-class training and racing slope on Baron’s Run. Based on the little I know abut the project, it seems like it will benefit the ski area....[Continue reading] ...

Abandoned Dug Wells, White Mountains

The Samuel Wallace Farm - Sandwich Notch, New Hampshire
Abandoned Dug Wells, White Mountains – Today’s blog article focuses on a keyword search term. I chose one search term in this case “abandoned dug well” and searched my image archive for imagery that represents this subject matter. These keyword searches help identify the subject matter I need more coverage of. As a photographer, creating an image of an abandoned dug well that is....[Continue reading] ...

Scenes of July, New Hampshire

Durand Lake - Randolph, New Hampshire USA
Scenes of July, New Hampshire - As I sit here and write this blog article today, I can’t believe the month of July is over, and August is knocking at the door. This month flew by, and the weather has been a little on the humid side for me. I can’t help wonder what the weather is going to be in August. I have always enjoyed the summer months, but the older I get, the more and more I prefer ...

Scree Walls, Trail Stewardship

Franconia Ridge Trail - White Mountains, New Hampshire USA
Scree Walls, Trail Stewardship - Today’s blog article focuses on a keyword search term. I chose one search term in this case “scree wall” and searched my image archive to see what imagery I have available that represents this area of trail stewardship. As photographer, these keyword searches help me determine what subject matter I need more coverage of. The below imagery showcases this search term....[Continue reading] ...

Scenes of June, New Hampshire

Beaver Pond - Kinsman Notch, New Hampshire
Five images from the month of June - Last month, I mentioned that many locals believe the 2016 summer season here in the White Mountains is going to be an extremely busy one. I have already seen an increase in tourism (biking, fishing, hiking, swimming, etc.) in my travels of the White Mountains region during the month of June. After a dismal ski season, this will be a great boost for the local economy....[Continue reading] ...

Abandoned Bemis Granite Quarry

Bemis Granite Quarry - Harts Location, New Hampshire
Abandoned Bemis Granite Quarry - I recently photographed the forgotten Bemis Granite Quarry in Hart's Location, New Hampshire. This quarry, located along the Sawyer River (above), is small when compared to other quarries, such as the Redstone Granite Quarry, but the history attached to it is intriguing....[Continue reading] ...

2016 Nature Photography Day

Appalachian Trail - Great Gulf Wilderness, New Hampshire
June 15, 2016, National Nature Photography Day - Nature Photography Day was created in 2006 by the North American Nature Photography Association. It is an annual event intended to promote conservation and the enjoyment of nature photography. Today is a day to grab your camera and photograph nature.....[Continue reading] ...

Mt Willard Section House Vandalism

Crawford Notch State Park - Mt. Willard Section House
Mt Willard Section House Vandalism - In April 2016 the Conway Scenic Railroad, on their Facebook page, posted that the Evan’s family monument at the Mt Willard Section House site had been recently vandalized. I visited the section house site last month and was disappointed to see the vandalism. The monument looks to be permanently damaged. The Mt. Willard Section House site is located along the old Maine Central Railroad in New Hampshire, next to the historic Willey Brook Trestle, ...

Trails of the Pemigewasset Wilderness

Pemigewasset Wilderness, New Hampshire by ScenicNH Photography LLC
Trails of the Pemigewasset Wilderness - At 45,000-acres, the Pemigewasset Wilderness is one of six designated wilderness areas in the White Mountain National Forest. Wilderness areas are governed under the National Wilderness Preservation System and the Wilderness Act of 1964. They are managed much differently than other parts of the National Forest....[Continue reading] ...

Scenes of May, New Hampshire

Harvard Brook - Lincoln, New Hampshire
Five images from the month of May - The grass is finally green, and the weather has been great during the month of May here in the New Hampshire White Mountains. And the unofficial start to summer, Memorial Day weekend, is only a few days away. Some seem to think that this summer tourist season is going to be a busy one, and from what I am seeing, when out and about...[Continue reading] ...