Posts Tagged: new hampshire
East Branch & Lincoln, Abandoned Spur Lines
East Branch & Lincoln, Abandoned Spur Lines - The East Branch & Lincoln Logging Railroad (1893-1948) in the New Hampshire White Mountains has been fairly well documented. And with the current documentation we can get a good idea of the layout of the railroad, first hand accounts from loggers who worked the woods, and though based on educated guesses, we can also decipher the locations of the abandoned logging camp....[Continue reading] ...
Tripoli Road, White Mountains
Tripoli Road, White Mountains - With autumn foliage season in full swing, this is a great time to travel the backroads of the New Hampshire White Mountains in search of the perfect autumn scene. I have traveled the backroads of New Hampshire for many years, and always seem to find interesting subject matter along them to photograph. I personally love the history attached to....[Continue reading] ...
Roadside Autumn Scenes, White Mountains
Roadside Foliage, White Mountains - Here in the New Hampshire White Mountains the autumn foliage is an unforgettable site. Today’s blog article focuses on roadside attractions in the White Mountains region that offer great photo opportunities. The included images are from past years...[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of September, White Mountains
Scenes of September, White Mountains - Many New Englanders, myself included, look forward to the cool September nights, and after the heat wave we have had this summer we are finally getting some cool temperatures here in the New Hampshire White Mountains. The problem is the cool air didn’t arrive until the end of this month, and most of September has...[Continue reading] ...
Sandwich Notch Hill Farming Community
Sandwich Notch Hill Farming Community – The abandoned Sandwich Notch hill farming settlement is in the New Hampshire White Mountains. During the early nineteenth century, thirty to forty families lived in Sandwich Notch. A few Notch farms did strive, but the rocky terrain of Sandwich Notch was poor for farming, and it is no surprise that by 1860 only eight families remained in the Notch. Many families in the area left their farms and headed West to where farming was ...
Abandoned Redstone Granite Quarry
Redstone Granite Quarry, New Hampshire - The Redstone Granite Quarry is an abandoned granite quarry on the side of Rattlesnake Mountain in Redstone, New Hampshire (part of the town of Conway). The quarry opened in the late eighteen hundreds, closed in the nineteen forties and at one time employed over three hundred men. The history of the quarry has....[Continue reading] ...
Abandoned Elbow Pond Community
Abandoned Elbow Pond Community - A few years ago, I documented the abandoned Elbow Pond cabin community in Woodstock, New Hampshire. This small community was in the area immediately surrounding Elbow Pond, and should not to be confused with the nineteenth and early twentieth century farming settlements that were once in the area....[Continue reading] ...
Rock Cairns, Trail Stewardship
Rock Cairns, Trail Stewardship: A rock cairn is a man-made pile of rocks that marks a landmark or the route of a hiking trail above tree line. They have been used for many centuries and vary in size from one foot to massive piles of rocks. The word “cairn” is Scottish and means a “heap of stones”. Cairns are found throughout the New Hampshire White Mountains and....[Continue reading] ...
August – New Hampshire White Mountains
Five images from the month of August - This year August has been hot, hazy, and humid. We are currently still dealing with humid days here in the New Hampshire White Mountains, but forecasts are predicting some relief towards the end of the week. At this point, I am looking forward to the cool nights, and hopefully cool days, of October......[Continue reading] ...
Historic Logging Camps, White Mountains
Historic Logging Camps, White Mountains - Most of this summer season I have been documenting history and culture subjects in the New Hampshire White Mountains. The last few blog articles have been historical in nature so today I am going to continue with this theme and introduce you to the late nineteenth and twentieth century camps of White Mountains logging era.....[Continue reading] ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.