Posts Tagged: new hampshire
The last of the lupines – Sugar Hill
The last of the lupines - Last week I spent a few hours in the lupine fields of Sugar Hill, New Hampshire. I visit the Annual Celebration of Lupines almost every year, towards the end of June, to photograph the lupine fields. I have never been disappointed, but this year has left me scratching my head a little. The lupine looked beautiful, but it appears to have been...[Continue reading] ...
June, New Hampshire White Mountains
The Nubble (Haystack Mountain) - Bethlehem, New Hampshire June, New Hampshire White Mountains - How do I know it is June in the White Mountains of New Hampshire? The bugs are out in full force, and man are they bad this year! I have many images from this month that have bug blur. Bug blur has the tendency to ruin images! I won't bore you with bug stories. During the month of June a number of exciting events happen in ...
2014 Nature Photography Day
Red Trillium - Rumney Rocks, New Hampshire June 15, 2014 - National Nature Photography Day Nature Photography Day was created in 2006 by the North American Nature Photography Association. It is an annual event intended to promote conservation and the enjoyment of nature photography. Today is a day to grab your camera and photograph nature. You can read more on the history of the event at the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) website here. NANPA is also hosting a ...
May – White Mountains of New Hampshire
Scenes of May, White Mountains - The snow is gone here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and I have finally stored my snowshoes and traction devices for the season. If you look hard enough though you still can find small pockets of snow in the forest, and of course Tuckerman Ravine still has patches of snow....[Continue reading] ...
Jackman Falls, North Woodstock
Jackman Falls, North Woodstock - Jackman Falls are a series of small cascades on Jackman Brook in North Woodstock. History books indicate Jackman Falls is the cascade just below the old mill dam. And I believe the remnants of the old dam are just above the cascades in the above image. Considered to be a forgotten waterfall these cascades are visited mostly by locals and waterfall hunters...[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of April, New Hampshire
Cascade - Kancamagus Highway, New Hampshire Scenes of April, New Hampshire- Most of New England is snow free, but here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire we still have plenty of snow. Mount Washington recently got six inches of snow. And off trail travel in some areas of the White Mountains still requires snowshoes. The snow is melting fast though. I love the month of April for two reasons. The first reason is brooks and rivers are usually roaring, ...
2014 Happy Earth Day White Mountains
Mount Hale - White Mountains, New Hampshire April 22, 2014 - Happy Earth Day from the White Mountains of New Hampshire USA! Earth Day is an annual day founded by US Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. Many consider Earth Day to be the birth of the modern environmental movement. The purpose of this day is to celebrate and create awareness for the environment. If you have never heard of Earth Day you can read up on the history and importance ...
An Evolving Landscape, White Mountains
An Evolving Landscape, White Mountains - It amazes me how much the landscape of the White Mountains changes over time. Many visitors to the White Mountains think of the area as being "stuck in time" because of its national forest designation. The reality is lots of change occurs naturally and by man. I thought it would be interesting to show scenes that no longer exist in the White Mountains. These scenes all disappeared over the last ten years....[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of March, White Mountains
Presidential Range Rail Trail / Cohos Trail - Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge, New Hampshire Scenes of March, White Mountains - The 2013 / 2014 winter season is officially over, but you would never know it by the amount of snow still on the ground and cold temperatures we are having in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The snow cover has been amazing this year! I am sad to see winter come to an end, but at the same time am ...
Human Element, Landscape Photography
Human Element, Landscape Photography - Even though I prefer a landscape free of human clutter, including a human element in the scene allows us to connect emotionally with the scene. And if done correctly, scenes that include a human element will pull the viewer into the landscape ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.