Posts Tagged: photos
Human Element, Landscape Photography

Human Element, Landscape Photography - Even though I prefer a landscape free of human clutter, including a human element in the scene allows us to connect emotionally with the scene. And if done correctly, scenes that include a human element will pull the viewer into the landscape ...
February, New Hampshire

Franconia Notch State Park - Lincoln, NH February, New Hampshire - When shooting for the ScenicNH Photography archive I find self assignments and a little direction to be very beneficial. On top of my everyday shooting, I try to focus on one subject every month that is connected to the environment. Examples of past subjects I have focused on include extreme weather, backcountry camping impact, and trail stewardship. This approach has allowed me to build an extensive, marketable and profitable ...
January, White Mountains

East Branch of the Pemigewasset River - Lincoln, NH January, White Mountains - I have been right out straight this month and haven't had anytime to update the blog with new posts. And it looks like I have a full shooting schedule the remainder of the month, so here are a few shots from the last few weeks. The on and off dustings of snow here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire have made for some great snowscapes! Make ...
Nature In Its Grandest Form

Harvard Brook - Lincoln, New Hampshire USA As I look at these images, I realize just how much I appreciate the simple scenes of the White Mountain National Forest. Even though both locations are only minutes off the beaten path, they represent nature in its grandest form. No sign of human impact anywhere, mankind is completely absent. Many nature lovers would consider this to be a perfect setting ...
Kinsman Notch, Beaver Brook Cascades

Kinsman Notch, Beaver Brook Cascades - The last few days I have been shooting in one of New Hampshire's windiest notches, Kinsman Notch. I'm always amazed at how the wind blows through this notch! Sometimes wind gusts are so strong they knock you off balance! On top of windy conditions, morning fog has also been an issue....[Continue reading] ...
2012 Happy Earth Day

Softwood Forest - White Mountains, New Hampshire April 22, 2012 - Happy Earth Day! This is a day to celebrate and create awareness for the environment. Environmental protection is essential for the future well being of the earth. You can read about the history and importance of Earth Day here, if this is your first time hearing about it ...
Top 10 images of 2011

Cannon Mountain - Franconia, NH Top 10 images of 2011 - Hard to believe another year is gone! Where does the time go? I decided on a pretty radical plan for 2011 with much of my focus on the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The outcome has been very positive and after ten years of visiting one location over and over, I finally walked away with an image I am happy with! Yes its included! Though much my photography work ...
Old Man of the Valley, Shelburne

Old Man of the Valley, Shelburne - The Old Man of the Valley rock profile is a neat little tourist attraction that can be found on the side of Route 2 in Shelburne, New Hampshire, near the Maine border. From the roadside parking lot, the rock profile can easily be reached by walking down the trail a few hundred feet. Just look for the large boulder that is resting on a flat boulder....[Continue reading] ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.