Posts Tagged: scenic images

Change of Plans – White Mountains

Navigation, Compass - White Mountain National Forest Stock
Compass on Rocks - White Mountains, NH USA Back in December I planned my 2013 shooting schedule. All I needed to do was complete a month long assignment in January, then I would be traveling the rest of the year. Well, because of unforeseen issues there has been a change of plans! I will be spending the remaining 2013 season shooting only the White Mountains region of New England. This is very unexpected, and I'm now in need of a ...

January, White Mountains

Winter - White Mountains, New Hampshire USA Stock Photo
East Branch of the Pemigewasset River - Lincoln, NH January, White Mountains - I have been right out straight this month and haven't had anytime to update the blog with new posts. And it looks like I have a full shooting schedule the remainder of the month, so here are a few shots from the last few weeks. The on and off dustings of snow here in the White Mountains of New Hampshire have made for some great snowscapes! Make ...