Posts Tagged: stock photography
October – White Mountains, New Hampshire

Wildlife Pond - Bethlehem, New Hampshire Five images from the month of October- In the New England region, October is all about autumn foliage. Photographers and tourists flock to the area to view the breathtaking foliage that takes over the region. October is my busiest month of the year. Much of my time is spent traveling to photograph the foliage. The autumn foliage looked incredible this year, but peak foliage only lasted a few days in the mountains region. I'm ...
Scenes of September, New Hampshire

Lincoln Woods Trail - Lincoln, New Hampshire Scenes of September, New Hampshire - September is a month that I usually take some time off from the photography industry. I get a little burnt out around this time of year, so I like to take a few weeks off. I did go out and shoot a few subjects, but for the most part I have been playing catchup in the office and getting ready for the autumn foliage season, which has ...
August – White Mountains, New Hampshire

Franconia Notch - White Mountains, New Hampshire Five images from the month of August - I have spent most of this month working the business side of photography, but did manage ten days in the field. I will not bore you with the business side details. I lucked out this month and scheduled all my shooting on perfect days. Most months I shoot in poor light conditions, so August has been a real treat ...
Scenes of June, White Mountains

Mount Deception - Carroll, New Hampshire Scenes of June, White Mountains - The month of June in the White Mountains has been interesting. I am not sure where to start, the rain or the overcast days. We are currently stuck in a dreary weather pattern that is making many question if the summer season is going to be washout. I hope not, but realize anything is possible when it comes to mother nature. Even with the poor weather I did ...
May – White Mountains, New Hampshire

Franconia Notch State Park - Lincoln, New Hampshire Scenes of May, White Mountains - This month I spent a great deal of time photographing brooks and rivers. The waterfalls in the White Mountains of New Hampshire have looked incredible this year! Locations I have visited dozens of times have looked better than ever this year. Heres a few images from this month ...
April, White Mountains

East Branch of the Pemigewasset River - Lincoln, New Hampshire April, White Mountains - I find April to be one of the more challenging months to produce imagery. The landscape is usually covered in "dirty snow", making it tough to produce clean looking imagery. Nothing drives me crazier than a beautiful mountain scene with dirty snow in the foreground! Yes, I'm complaining some but know many photographers can relate to this issue ...
2013 Happy Earth Day New England!

Middle Sugarloaf Mountain - Bethlehem, New Hampshire April 22, 2013 - Happy Earth Day from the White Mountains of New Hampshire USA! Earth Day is an annual day founded by US Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. Many consider Earth Day to be the birth of the modern environmental movement. The purpose of this day is to celebrate and create awareness for the environment. If this is your first time hearing about it, you can read up on the history and ...
Scenes of March, New Hampshire

Swift River - White Mountains, New Hampshire Scenes of March, New Hampshire - During March I spent a few days shooting along the Kancamagus Scenic Byway in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I wanted to shoot a few locations along the Byway that have eluded me over the years, but was mainly interested in the Passaconaway settlement. Just like January and February, March had a few snowstorms that created breathtaking snowscapes. To be in a forest after a snowstorm ...
February, New Hampshire

Franconia Notch State Park - Lincoln, NH February, New Hampshire - When shooting for the ScenicNH Photography archive I find self assignments and a little direction to be very beneficial. On top of my everyday shooting, I try to focus on one subject every month that is connected to the environment. Examples of past subjects I have focused on include extreme weather, backcountry camping impact, and trail stewardship. This approach has allowed me to build an extensive, marketable and profitable ...
Favorite B & W Images of 2012

Boston and Maine Railroad - Mt Washington Branch Favorite 5 Black & White images of 2012 - A few weeks ago I posted my 10 favorite images from 2012. What I did not include were any black & white images, so here is my favorite black & white images from 2012. During the film days, I shot roll after roll of AGFA Scala, and I have no idea why I drifted away from this process. I plan on shooting more ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.