Posts Tagged: timber trestle
East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, Trestle 17

East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, Trestle 17 - Built in the early 1900s, probably 1906-1908 (one reference states 1908) trestle 17 was located along the Upper East Branch of the East Branch & Lincoln Railroad. It spanned the East Branch of the Pemigewasset River near the site of logging Camp 17. Camp 17 was located on the south side of the trestle. This trestle is within today’s Pemigewasset Wilderness...[Continue reading] ...
East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, Trestle 7

East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, Trestle 7 - During the days of the East Branch & Lincoln (EB&L) Railroad, there were two trestles built at this crossing of Franconia Brook (above). And each trestle serviced different areas of today’s Pemigewasset Wilderness. The first trestle built serviced the Franconia Brook and Lincoln Brook Valleys. And the second trestle, built just below...[Continue reading] ...
Tropical Storm Irene, White Mountains

August 2011, Tropical Storm Irene - From 6PM Saturday August 27, 2011 through midnight Monday August 29, 2011 the White Mountain National Forest was closed because of Tropical Storm Irene. This tropical storm caused massive damage along the East Coast of the United States and the White Mountain National Forest was officially closed during the storm....[Continue reading] ...
East Branch & Lincoln, Trestle 7

East Branch & Lincoln Railroad - Trestle 7 (Franconia Brook ) East Branch & Lincoln, Trestle 7 - As I start photographing abandoned railroads again, one of my objectives is to show how 20th century railroads have been used in the current trail system. Many of the railroads have disappeared into the forest never to be seen again, but others have become intricate parts of the White Mountain trail system. This is evident at the Franconia Brook crossing along the ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.