Posts Tagged: tourism
2021 Year in Review, White Mountains

2021 Year in Review, White Mountains - As the year comes to an end, I don't have much to say. And like many of you, I am looking forward to the start of the new year. What a year it has been! This year I am going to keep it short and just make a handful of comments about my favorite images of 2021....[Continue reading] ...
Foliage Update – White Mountains, NH

Ammonoosuc River - Carroll, NH Foliage Update: - Sept 19-21, 2010 Autumn is quickly taken over the White Mountains, New Hampshire. The above image is from along the Ammonoosuc River in Carroll, New Hampshire USA during the last few days ...
Sculptured Rocks Natural Area, Groton

Sculptured Rocks Natural Area, New Hampshire - A short ride from Newfound Lake in Bristol, New Hampshire is Sculptured Rocks Natural Area in Groton, New Hampshire. Sculptured Rocks Natural Area spans 272 acres and is located on the Cockermouth River. It was formed at the end of the Great Ice Age....[Continue reading] ...
Newfound Lake, Bristol

Newfound Lake, New Hampshire - In my New England travels, I always seem to forget about Wellington State Park located on Newfound Lake in Bristol, New Hampshire. The park can be accessed year around, and there is a sandy beach on the park grounds. No question the summer season is the busiest time to visit....[Continue reading] ...
Kancamagus Scenic Byway

Kancamagus Scenic Byway, New Hampshire - New stock photography images have been added to the ScenicNH Photography image archive. These images are focused around the Kancamagus Scenic Byway in the White Mountains of New Hampshire USA. Above is a slideshow of scenes from along the Kancamagus Byway...[Continue reading] ...
Phineas P Gage – Cavendish, Vermont

The Gage Accident plaque - Cavendish, Vermont USA Phineas P Gage, Vermont - If your travels ever take you to Cavendish, Vermont and you enjoy oddities, here is one worth checking out. Located in the downtown section of Cavendish is a plaque bolted to a boulder in memory of Phineas P Gage, who was known as the "Man With a Metal Rod in His Head" ...
Prescott Park – Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Prescott Park, New Hampshire - Prescott Park is a ten acre parcel of land along the Portsmouth waterfront. We can thank Josie and Mary Prescott, public school teachers and life long residents of Portsmouth, for the creation of this park. It was their desire to see an area of the Portsmouth waterfront cleaned up and turned into a public park. In Josie F. Prescott's last will and testament a private trust fund was set up to purchase tracts of land ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.