Posts Tagged: travel & tourism
Scenic Backroads, White Mountains

Scenic Backroads, White Mountains - With the autumn season near, this is a great time to start planning photo excursions into the White Mountains. I have been traveling the backroads of New Hampshire for many years, and always find interesting subject matter along them to photograph. From a photographer's viewpoint, I find autumn to be the best time to explore them. And the history attached to some....[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of August, New Hampshire

Five images from the month of August - I can’t believe the month of August is just about over. And I realize that I am starting to repeat myself here but the time just flies by now. The White Mountains have been crazy this month. Parking at trailheads has been overflowing midweek, swimming holes packed, and moving around downtown Lincoln has been a slow process. But it is great....[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of July, New Hampshire

Scenes of July, New Hampshire - As I sit here and write this blog article today, I can’t believe the month of July is over, and August is knocking at the door. This month flew by, and the weather has been a little on the humid side for me. I can’t help wonder what the weather is going to be in August. I have always enjoyed the summer months, but the older I get, the more and more I prefer ...
Scenes of June, New Hampshire

Five images from the month of June - Last month, I mentioned that many locals believe the 2016 summer season here in the White Mountains is going to be an extremely busy one. I have already seen an increase in tourism (biking, fishing, hiking, swimming, etc.) in my travels of the White Mountains region during the month of June. After a dismal ski season, this will be a great boost for the local economy....[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of May, New Hampshire

Five images from the month of May - The grass is finally green, and the weather has been great during the month of May here in the New Hampshire White Mountains. And the unofficial start to summer, Memorial Day weekend, is only a few days away. Some seem to think that this summer tourist season is going to be a busy one, and from what I am seeing, when out and about...[Continue reading] ...
Shell Cascade, Waterville Valley

Shell Cascade, Waterville Valley – Located on Hardy Brook, a tributary of the Mad River, in Waterville Valley of New Hampshire is a small, but unique, cascade known as Shell Cascade. This water feature isn’t visited often because of its location. It is not in a remote area by any means, but no official trail leads to it. And for this reason it is kind of considered a lost waterfall....[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of April, New Hampshire

Five images from the month of April - What a month it has been weather wise here in the New Hampshire White Mountains. Ice, snow, rain, and warm weather. You name it we have had it this month. With April coming to an end, it won’t be long until the grass is green, but the trails are still an icy mess at higher elevations. Crampons have been the chosen foot traction this month.....[Continue reading] ...
Echo Lake, Franconia Notch

Echo Lake, Franconia Notch State Park - Many photographers who visit the White Mountains of New Hampshire are interested in roadside attractions that can be easily reached. So today I am going to share a great location, Echo Lake, in the northen section of Franconia Notch State Park....[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of March, New Hampshire

Scenes of March, New Hampshire - The weather here in the New Hampshire White Mountains during the month of March has been very interesting. The lower elevations have been snow-free for most of the month, and the higher elevations can be best described as an icy mess. And because of the mild winter and warm weather, bears are coming out of their dens early....[Continue reading] ...
Scenes of February, New Hampshire

Scenes of February, New Hampshire - Much like last month, the weather here in the New Hampshire White Mountains during the month of February has been a mixed bag. We still have not had any major snow storms, the trails are very icy, and the temperatures have been on the warm side. At the beginning of the month...[Continue reading] ...
ScenicNH Photography LLC
Specializing in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography mainly in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Erin Paul’s photography and writing focuses on the history of the White Mountains, and telling the story of abandoned places and forgotten historical sites.