Posts Tagged: white mountain national forest

Artists Bluff, Franconia Notch State Park

Franconia Notch State Park - White Mountains, New Hampshire
Artists Bluff, Franconia Notch State Park - Artists Bluff is a rocky outcrop on the north end of Franconia Notch State Park in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This outcrop offers a unique view of Cannon Mountain, Franconia Notch Parkway, Eagle Cliff, Echo Lake and of Mount Lafayette.....[Continue reading] ...

Liberty Gorge, Franconia Notch

Liberty Gorge - Franconia Notch, White Mountains
Liberty Gorge, Franconia Notch - Cascade Brook flows through this gorge in the Flume Gorge area of Franconia Notch State Park in Lincoln, New Hampshire. And it is one of the many interesting natural features of Franconia Notch. Today, this water feature is known both as Liberty Gorge and Liberty Gorge Cascades...[Continue reading] ...

Pemigewasset Wilderness, New Hampshire

Pemigewasset Wilderness- Redrock Brook
Pemigewasset Wilderness, New Hampshire - The Pemigewasset Wilderness in New Hampshire is 45,000-acres of protected designated Wilderness area that will keep any outdoor photographer busy for days. Every corner of the wilderness has interesting features to explore, and most areas are rich with East Branch & Lincoln Railroad history. Here are five shots from the Pemigewasset Wilderness that you may have never seen....[Continue reading] ...

Designated Wilderness Areas, New Hampshire

Zealand Notch - White Mountains, New Hampshire USA
Designated Wilderness Areas, My Viewpoint - In 2012, an article Wilderness Under Siege by The Wilderness Society was an eye-opening read about how the 112th Congress was introducing bills that could forever change the well being of America's public lands and wilderness. Conservation NH also complied a list of New Hampshire....[Continue reading] ...

Echo Lake, Cannon Mountain Ski Area

Cannon Mountain - White Mountains, NH
Echo Lake, Cannon Mountain Ski Area - A great location to photograph in Franconia Notch State Park in the New Hampshire White Mountains is Cannon Mountain Ski Area from Echo Lake. It is one of my favorite locations to visit in Franconia Notch State Park. And its one of the many places in the White Mountains I return to over and over....[Continue reading] ...

Greeley Ponds Scenic Area, Livermore

Greeley Ponds Scenic Area - White Mountains, NH
Greeley Ponds Scenic Area - Located in Livermore, New Hampshire in between Mount Kancamagus and the East Peak of Mount Osceola is the Greeley Ponds Scenic Area. Designated a scenic area in 1964, this 810-acre parcel of land in the White Mountains contains mature hardwood forest and two scenic mountain ponds....[Continue reading] ...

Ellens Falls – Albany, New Hampshire

Ellen's Falls - Albany, New Hampshire
Ellens Falls, New Hampshire - Located off the Kancamagus Scenic Byway in Albany, New Hampshire on Hobbs Brook, Ellens Falls is one of the many smaller waterfalls that often gets overlooked for one reason or another. I can only guess these falls go unnoticed because visitors are more interested in the easily accessible waterfalls along the Kancamagus Scenic Byway....[Continue reading] ...

Shoal Pond, Pemigewasset Wilderness

Shoal Pond - Pemigewasset Wilderness, New Hampshire
Shoal Pond, Pemigewasset Wilderness - Shoal Pond is a secluded 5-acre pond in the Pemigewasset Wilderness in the New Hampshire White Mountains. The average depth is one foot with a max depth of three feet (source, NH Fish & Game). The definition of “Shoal” is an area of shallow water, so this is likely why the pond was given this name....[Continue reading] ...

Top 10 images of 2011

Appalachian Trail - White Mountains, New Hampshire
Cannon Mountain - Franconia, NH Top 10 images of 2011 - Hard to believe another year is gone! Where does the time go? I decided on a pretty radical plan for 2011 with much of my focus on the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The outcome has been very positive and after ten years of visiting one location over and over, I finally walked away with an image I am happy with! Yes its included! Though much my photography work ...

East Branch of the Pemigewasset River

Pemigewasset Wilderness - Timber Trestle 18
East Branch of the Pemigewasset River, New Hampshire - Like most photographers, I have a long list of locations in the White Mountains I return to over and over to create imagery. One of my favorite locations is along the 15 mile +/- East Branch of the Pemigewasset River in Lincoln, New Hampshire. The East Branch of the Pemi begins deep in the Pemigewasset Wilderness in the area of Stillwater Junction. I find this river fascinating and love exploring it!...[Continue ...