Posts Tagged: white mountains

Scenes of January, New Hampshire

Pitcher Falls - Albany, New Hampshire
Scenes of January, New Hampshire - Even though we are in the month of January, there is little snow in the New Hampshire White Mountains, and we still have not had any major snow storms. Hopefully, this will change in the near future. Outdoor enthusiasts and photographers don't have to worry though because there is enough snow to make the landscape interesting.....[Continue reading] ...

Wetlands, White Mountains

Pemigewasset Wilderness - White Mountains, NH
Wetlands, White Mountains - As a photographer, who photographs the environment, I love the diversity of subject matter the New Hampshire White Mountains offers. One day I am photographing mountain landscapes, the next day abandoned historical sites and the next day beautiful wetland areas. There really is no shortage of subject matter here in the White Mountains...[Continue reading] ...

Lost Waterfalls, White Mountains

Jackman Falls - North Woodstock, New Hampshire
Lost Waterfalls, White Mountains - I mentioned in last week’s blog article that I will be spending some time this year photographing forgotten waterfalls in the New Hampshire White Mountains. The reason I will be doing this is because many of these lost waterfalls were discovered and named back in the 19th century....[Continue reading] ...

2016 White Mountains Projects

Mt Parker Trail - Dry River Wilderness, New Hampshire
2016 White Mountains Projects - I have been trying to decide what I want my first blog article of the year to be about. With the start of the New Year, and everyone making resolutions for 2016, I initially wanted to fire everyone up by showing you some disturbing human impact scenes, but the article isn’t coming together as I like so I have moved on from that for now.....[Continue reading] ...

Scenes of December, New Hampshire

Tunnel Brook in Benton, New Hampshire
Five images from the month of December - If you live in New England, I don’t have to explain the weather we have had during the month of December. We have had Christmas without snow this year, and most of December has been warmer than normal. The good news here in the White Mountains is that we are expecting our first winter storm tomorrow (Tuesday). And yes the above scene is from this month....[Continue reading] ...

2015 Favorite Images, White Mountains

November, Whitcher Brook in Benton, New Hampshire USA
2015 Favorite Images, White Mountains - Is 2015 really coming to an end? As I sit here and write this, I just can’t believe the year is almost over. With the end of the year approaching, it is time for me to look back on a years worth of shooting, and share with you the ten photographs that stand out to me from 2015. This year I am going to add some commentary to make it a little more interesting......[Continue ...

Swift River Railroad

Boulder Loop Trail - Mount Chocorua, New Hampshire
Swift River Railroad, New Hampshire - The Swift River Railroad was a logging railroad in the Swift River Valley of the New Hampshire White Mountains. It was operated by the Conway Company and was in operation from 1906-1916. The railroad began in Conway, at the Conway Company’s sawmill, and traveled up the Swift River Valley following the Swift River and much of today’s Kancamagus Scenic Byway....[Continue reading] ...

November Scenes, New Hampshire

November, Whitcher Brook in Benton, New Hampshire USA
Five images from the month of November - The month of November has been very long and drawn out, but in a good way. For me, most months fly by, and there never seems to be enough time in a day to complete all the tasks I need to complete, but for some reason I am all caught up and ahead of schedule this month. I even started photographing an abandoned farm...[Continue reading] ...

2015 White Mountains Print Sale

White Mountains, New Hampshire | ScenicNH Photography
2015 White Mountains Print Sale - Now through December 31, 2015 you will receive a surprise discount on any print order you make directly through my printing company, FineArtAmerica. This discount can be used to purchase acrylic, canvas and metal prints, and greeting cards. Use code RNMMPM during checkout to receive the discount. Discount can only be used at the included link...[Continue reading] ...

Village of Livermore, New Hampshire

Village of Livermore, New Hampshire
Village of Livermore, New Hampshire - The abandoned logging village of Livermore is in the New Hampshire White Mountains. Incorporated by the state of New Hampshire in 1876, Livermore was a logging town in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The village was located along the Sawyer River Railroad, on the Sawyer River, in the White Mountains. Both the railroad and town were owned by the Saunders family. At its peak, the population of Livermore was around 150-200 people, ...