Posts Tagged: white mountains

Rock Cairns, Trail Stewardship

Rock cairns - Mount Moosilauke, New Hampshire USA
Rock Cairns, Trail Stewardship: A rock cairn is a man-made pile of rocks that marks a landmark or the route of a hiking trail above tree line. They have been used for many centuries and vary in size from one foot to massive piles of rocks. The word “cairn” is Scottish and means a “heap of stones”. Cairns are found throughout the New Hampshire White Mountains and....[Continue reading] ...

August – New Hampshire White Mountains

Cook's Pasture along Diamond Ledge Road in Sandwich, New Hampshire
Five images from the month of August - This year August has been hot, hazy, and humid. We are currently still dealing with humid days here in the New Hampshire White Mountains, but forecasts are predicting some relief towards the end of the week. At this point, I am looking forward to the cool nights, and hopefully cool days, of October......[Continue reading] ...

Historic Logging Camps, White Mountains

East Branch & Lincoln Railroad
Historic Logging Camps, White Mountains - Most of this summer season I have been documenting history and culture subjects in the New Hampshire White Mountains. The last few blog articles have been historical in nature so today I am going to continue with this theme and introduce you to the late nineteenth and twentieth century camps of White Mountains logging era.....[Continue reading] ...

White Mountains History & Culture

Mt. Cilley Settlement ( Peeling ) - Woodstock, New Hampshire USA
White Mountains History & Culture - For the past couple of weeks, I have been photographing nineteenth century sites linked to the history and culture of the White Mountains. When photographing these abandoned sites, I am reminded that conservation is not just about protecting a parcel of land for guaranteed future recreation. Conservation is also about.....[Continue reading] ...

Sandwich Notch Road, New Hampshire

The Notch Road - Sandwich, New Hampshire
Sandwich Notch Road, New Hampshire - During the early nineteenth century, thirty to forty families lived in Sandwich Notch. By 1860 only eight families lived in the Notch and by the turn of the twentieth century only one person, Moses Hall, lived in the Notch year around. Now a private residence the Hall Place is the only house left on the Notch Road...[Continue reading] ...

Scenes of July, White Mountains

Bearcamp River in Sandwich Notch in Sandwich, New Hampshire USA
Scenes of July, White Mountains – Boy the month of July has flown by, and I can’t believe we are flipping the calendar to August. The New Hampshire White Mountains has a been a mob scene this month. The great weather has brought many visitors to the Mountains looking for relaxation and enjoyment...[Continue reading] ...

Middle Sister Groundhouse, Albany

Middle Sister Fire Tower - Albany, New Hampshire
Middle Sister Groundhouse, New Hampshire - The Middle Sister Groundhouse (fire tower) is located on Middle Sister Mountain, along Middle Sister Trail, near Mount Chocorua in Albany, New Hampshire. It was in operation from 1927-1948, and according to the Forest Fire Lookout Association it remained in service until 1948. Today, a Forest Service....[Continue reading] ...

Mountain Landscapes, Presidential Range

Mount Washington - White Mountains, New Hampshire
Mountain Landscapes, Presidential Range - Today, I am going to share with you landscape scenes from along the Appalachian Trail (AT) corridor in the Presidential Range of the New Hampshire White Mountains. I think its safe to say there is no other place in New England like the Presidential Range.....[Continue reading] ...

Mountain Reflections, New Hampshire

Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge - Cherry Mountain from Moorhen Marsh along the Cohos Trail in Jefferson, New Hampshire USA
Mountain Reflections, New Hampshire - I have always thought the perfect New Hampshire landscape scene includes a mountain, a lake and / or pond, and clouds reflecting in the water. I think including all three of these elements in a scene makes for an interesting and unique photograph. And one of the bonuses of these types of photos is cloud formations are usually different day to day so no two images are identical.....[Continue reading] ...

Sustainable Trail Work, White Mountains

Mt Tecumseh Trail - Waterville Valley, New Hampshire
Sustainable Trail Work, White Mountains - Here in New Hampshire, all we hear about is environmental friendly and sustainable trail work. And how important it is to conserve the trails for future generations. As an environmental photographer, I support this approach to preserving the trail system. And up until a few years ago, I have always believed that the organizations maintaining our trails practiced what they preached...[Continue reading] ...